Our top priority at Beacon Plus is the safeguarding of our learners. We follow safer recruitment legislation and guidance for all staff and have access to expertise within relevant local authorities and other specialist agencies and services. All staff receive safeguarding for adults and Prevent training as part of their induction and this is updated at least annually.

Safeguarding vulnerable adults:

Our learners are adults with capacity and as such the college will liaise primarily with them on all matters and are legally bound to maintain confidentiality when asked to and it is appropriate. Beacon Plus will always put the safety of learners first however they cannot contact parents/carers and disclose information without explicit consent of the individual. Should safety be a concern we will always make contact with external professionals including the Police or Social Services if it is not appropriate to contact a parent or carer. Beacon Plus understands that this is a difficult set of circumstances and hope that parents/carers can understand the laws by which we are bound when working with adults.


If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads.

To view our Safeguarding Policy, please click here.

To view our Learner Handbook, please click here.

Kent County Council

If you think you have any care and support needs, you can contact Kent County Council to ask for a free assessment.

If you or the person you want help for are over 18 years old:
• call 03000 41 61 61 (Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm)
• call 03000 41 91 91 (outside of office hours – for emergencies only)
• text relay 18001 03000 41 61 61
• email social.services@kent.gov.uk

Beacon Plus Designated Safeguarding Adults Leads (ID 1107)

 Useful Links: