Our goals are to:
- set the strategic directions in which our provision is to develop;
- ensure a robust management structure and strong succession planning is in place;
- oversee prudent financial management and ensure that money is well spent;
- monitor and hold the senior leadership to account for:
- ensuring excellence in all aspects of our educational provision;
- maintaining the highest levels of safeguarding;
- monitoring the physical and emotional well-being of learners and staff;
- continuously improving all aspects of our teaching and outreach.
As a governor you will be a volunteer who makes a vital contribution to the success of the college.
Our governors have three main roles:
- Governors ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
- The governing body helps to set long-terms plans for the college, decide where improvements need to be made and how to make them.
- Governors provide scrutiny in relation to the educational programme offered by the college including progress and outcomes of learners.
This role may be particularly of interest if you have skills in finance/accounting, human resources, safeguarding, data or education but we invite applications from anyone who is interested in helping the college be the best it can be. Full training is available and governors are encouraged to attend regular training sessions, either in person or online.
We are looking for someone who can attend approximately six full governing body meetings per year. Governors also spend time in college during the day (around 3 visits per year).
You must be 18 or over to apply and all governors must have Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks. If you would like to find out more please email admin@beacon-plus.org.uk to express your interest.
We welcome looking outward to our partners to both, share and adopt, outstanding practice.
Governor Roles and Working Parties
Directors - Ady Young, Julie Nixon